I enjoyed reading this post and how you documented our class experience.

I used to agree that ‘AI writings lack a human touch’, but there are two things that is preventing me from accepting it these days. The first one is that the more I interact with AI the more I see it can be even added the ‘human touch’ to it, like to give it a personality or ask it to add experience to it as a human does.

The second thing is again the question of ‘if you didn’t know AI generated it, would you still rate it as mechanical?’ Or is it just knowing the fact that AI wrote it, or AI graded it, that makes us think it lacks that human touch?

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I honestly only had that feeling of a lack of empathy in the language with AI based grading and that could be a result of how I usually grade. I agree that most LLMs, especially the more advanced ones, can create very human like text these days.

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